Monday, February 15, 2010

First Time

I don't know how to do this, I've never had a blog before. So I guess I'll start by listing the reasons why I want to take better care of myself. I have, in the past year, gone for weeks without a drop of insulin, for months with out a single blood test. Basically, I have lived as though there was never a diagnosis. This has resulted in throwing up every time I ate, getting eye infections, girl infections and suffering through H1N1. Yet none of this was enough to motivate me to get back on track. I hope I'm motivated now. So here are the reasons why I want to do better (some donated by others):

*My amazing family (they are my inspiration)
<--- here they are doing a diabetes race for me

* I could sleep better

* I wouldn't get a lump in my throat everytime a professor mentions the complications of diabetes

*I'd be able to travel the world (or just the state!)

*I could live to be a great-grandmother

* I could be around to see my nieces grow up

*I would be a better role model for these beautiful little girls ------------------->

* I could have some babies of my own some day

* I would be able to actually USE the degree I'm working so hard to get for long enough for it to be worth it.

*I could make sure to keep all my limbs and vital organs working at tip-top shape

This is all I can think of. I hope it's enough....

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I'm glad you're connecting with others who have diabetes at Another great site is I think most of us struggle with diabetes, and having support from other folks who are living the same challenges is really helpful. Have you got a good endo that you really connect with? I think that's essential, and I know they're hard to find. Best of luck.
